Manually signed release APK: This option is only suitable for advanced users.
For more information see Building a signed APK for Android in Construct 3.
Signed release APK: Use Construct 3's mobile app build service to build a signed Android app (APK) for you.
For more information see Building Android apps (APKs) in Construct 3. This option is for testing your app during development.
Debug APK: Use Construct 3's mobile app build service to build an Android app (APK) for you.
Refer to Google's documentation on Android Studio for more information. This option is for advanced users who are already familiar with Android Studio.
Android Studio project: Export an Android Studio project.
See the tutorial Building mobile apps locally with Cordova CLI. Advanced users can also use this to manually build Android apps. You can submit this to third-party build services.
Cordova project: Export a Cordova CLI project.
If you are a new user, or aren't sure which option to use, start with this. See the tutorial Building Android apps (APKs) in Construct 3. We recommend building Android apps using Construct 3's mobile app build service. Each platform has different build options. When you export your project, you can choose the Android or iOS options. You may also want to check the tutorials Supporting multiple screen sizes and using touch controls. You should test regularly on mobile from the very start of your project! If you do not, you may not find out that your game is too slow or difficult to use on mobile until the end, and it will be very difficult to make changes by then.